Health Sector Management at Duke MBA (Fuqua Client Consulting Practicum, Duke University Hospital Internship)

This is the last post in the series on Health Sector Management (HSM) at the Duke MBA outside of classes. The Fuqua Client Consulting Practicum and the Duke University Hospital Internship are another set of wonderful experential learning opportunities that are offered to students who are interested in pursuing careers in health care.

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Health Sector Management at Duke MBA (Health Care Club)

One of the most attractive aspects of the Duke Fuqua MBA for me was to be surrounded by other students who were passionate about health care. The 90-plus students in the Health Sector Management (HSM) program at Duke definitely helps create a very immersive environment. Student leadership for health care opportunities shines in the activities run by the Duke MBA Health Care Club.
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Health Sector Management at Duke MBA (Week in Cities)

Recruiting is a major activity for MBA students and networking with firms is important. During term breaks, the Fuqua Health Care Club (HCC) organizes treks where Duke Health Sector Management (HSM) students visit companies together. We call these treks "Week in Cities". They are a structured way for students to learn more about the companies that they are interested in and meet alumni who are working in relevant functions post-MBA. It was also a fantastic opportunity for 1st year bonding! I got to know a lot of my classmates better through going on this trip together.
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MBA Admissions Book Give-away

As appreciation to my blog's readers, I'm giving away a copy of MBA Admission for Smarties: The No-Nonsense Guide to Acceptance at Top Business Schools (, a book by Accepted's CEO & founder, Linda Abraham.

All you have to do is leave a comment below and share with me one idea to make the blog better and give me one blog request. The request can be for be anything related to the MBA or the Duke MBA.

The first person to respond to this post will get the copy of the book. I haven't personally read the book, but it should be helpful to anyone who is applying to MBA programs in the future.

Even if someone has already commented, please still let me know about your feedback or any blog requests you have. I'd be happy to accommodate any requests!

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Health Sector Management at Duke MBA (Mentored Study)

Almost all Duke MBA students choose to do a full-time internship during the summer (10-12 weeks). For students looking for something in the fall or spring, Fuqua’s mentored study program offers an internship for one semester (12 weeks). For students in the Duke MBA Health Sector Management (HSM) program, there are many opportunities in health care.
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Health Sector Management at Duke MBA (Program 4 Entrepreneurs)

A reader had asked me what type of health care experiences that the Duke MBA Health Sector Management (HSM) program offers outside of classes and seminars. Because of this, I'm starting a blog post series on this topic. If you have a question, just leave me a comment and I'll help answer it for you, my reader.

P4E, short for Program 4 Entrepreneurs, is an experiential course that Duke Fuqua MBA students can take in their first or second years. There are 3 courses in total, New Ventures 1 (NV1), NV2, and NV3. In short, in NV1 students evaluate the opportunity; in NV2 students develop the business strategy of the venture; in NV3 students develop the operation strategy and launch the company. NV1 is typically taken in the fall semester of first year, NV2 is taken in spring semester of first year, and NV3 is taken fall semester of the second year. This is the short version – for more detailed information, visit P4E’s official website. I’ve also written about the P4E kickoff that I had attended in the summer before starting my first year. Read about it here.
Read More Interview on my Duke MBA Experience

No comments : reached out to me and asked if I would be willing to do an interview on my Duke MBA experience. I'm always happy to share this with prospective students and thought it would be a good opportunity for that. Answering the interview questions allowed me to reflect on my reasons for attending Fuqua. These questions are also a lot easier to answer now, as I have concrete experiences to share! I still can't believe that I've already been at Fuqua for close to 7 months now.

Find the full transcript on here.

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